I'm a Winner!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Oh, I mean, I'm not a winner... I mean Marnee Jo is a winner. Marnee, please send me your mailing address and I will send you some pirate booty!


Marnee Bailey said...

Yay! A reward for putting up with my kiddo's discomfort?! That has to be the best thing that's come of his teething! (Oh and his two little dagger teeth but those are his rewards, not mine.)

Thanks guys!

Terri Osburn said...

I think too much booty might be how she got that teething child in the first place.

Just send her some prizes. LOL!

Marnee Bailey said...

LOL! I'm sure my husband would disagree about the "too much" part....

As would most men, in my experience....

Hellie Sinclair said...

Marnee, how old are babies when they're teething? Is that 6 months? 8?

Marnee Bailey said...

Well, my little dude's been teething since 4 months and he's 11 months now. He cut his bottom two at 6 months, and now he's working on the top 4 and has been for, oh, forever.

Seriously, I got a little reprieve after he cut the bottom two, about a month of happy baby/sleeping mostly the night. Then at 7 months the drool faucet turned on again and it's been miserable since. Some nights he's ok and only up once, but then I'll have a week of him up 7-10 times a night. I could give Tessa's zombies over at Manuscript Mavens a run for their money. It's a good thing he's cute.

*Marnee's rant officially ended*

Terri Osburn said...

That's what I was going to say. Four months to two years. Though the bad part is teething doesn't necessarily mean teeth. They may start drooling at four months but my child didn't have any teeth until closer to a year old.

And this is how I know I'm in for it during her teenage years. From seven months on, mine slept through the night. Unless she was really sick and then would only sleep on my chest. Other than that, I got lots of sleep.

I'm so in for it.

Marnee Bailey said...

Yeah, teething is a misnomer. I suppose "Child in Perpetual State of Whiny Crabbiness and Drooling Non-Stop" was just too long.

How old is your daughter, Ter?

Terri Osburn said...

Eight going on 22.

Marnee Bailey said...

LOL!! I used to teach HS pre-baby and I must say that the teens are hilarious. They say crazy things, do crazy things, and leave craziness in their wake. It's a romp.

Though the parents did look to be in a constant state of confusion and did appear a bit sleep deprived....

It's a good thing they don't hand you a teenager in the hospital. I'm not sure so many would sign up for the parenting gig if they did.

Marnee Bailey said...

Just think, though, since she's only 8 you have countless years to stress. :)

Terri Osburn said...

You took your evil pills this morning, didn't you? LOL!

Yes, plenty of years to stress. How nice to have something to look forward to...

Marnee Bailey said...

Ah, but then they start to make more intelligent conversation as the years go by, culminating in their 20s where they start to really appreciate you. It's a trade off it seems.
