Do It Right Now

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Writing and procrastination. They seem to go hand in hand, don’t they?

Pirates procrastinate like no one’s business. Something to do with the rum. Boatswain Terri doesn’t know how to procrastinate (see: yesterday) because she schedules in her own rum and potty breaks, but we other pirates don’t have schedules—and we find that free time where we get to choose how to spend it when we get it is wasted on rum, men, and song.

These are not bad ways to waste time. There was this brawn lad in Glasgow once I…. Uh, gotta keep the blog length manageable, but let me say, it’s not a bad way to spend time. It just won’t get your book written. You need to write your book.

We procrastinate for the craziest of reasons. Like…I’m waiting for my muse to inspire me. No, your muse is drunk with you—and trying to steal your men while she’s at it. Waiting for your trollopy muse to inspire you is like waiting for a man to get up and do the dishes.

You end up doing the dishes, right? Usually after you’ve nagged him to death and finally given up he will do anything about it. And the dishes are just as clean and done as if you had had him do them.

So reverse your normal mantra and instead say: Write now, procrastinate later.

What’s your favorite thing to procrastinate on? And how do you procrastinate? Any rum takers?

P.S. I’m promoting The Romance Vagabonds today because Dee S. Knight is blogging today. She writes these *hawt* books with characters so real you want them to be your neighbors. Go talk to her!


Sin said...

I think for me I procrastinate because sometimes I don't feel the joy out of writing that I used to have. I know that sounds like I'm doomed but all I need to do is go back to the beginning when I first started writing and find the joy I once had in my characters. And I took that step this weekend. So at least I can say the weekend wasn't a total washout (and considering it poured down rain on Saturday, I suppose this is a good thing).

Once upon a time a wench named Sin set asail aboard a fine ship named Writer's Despair, only to have it pirated by a bonny wench named Capt'n Hellion and her wonderful crew. Capt'n Hellion is most determined to pull Sin apart from her Writer's Despair... but will she do it? Stay tuned.

*sigh* I've lost my mind. I'm off to the RV blog because I love Dee and I'd gladly follow her anywhere. LOL

Lisa said...

I always procrastinate when it comes to the meat of the story, especially when I'm writing the climatic action scene, or the wring your hands, love him or leave him scene.

I always put off what I'm not comfortable writing. I know I can do it, but it's going to take time and several re- writes. I can write fluff all day, but hand me a meaty assignment and...I go shopping.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Lissa--I go shopping when I have to write scenes where there's conflict...or lots of naked flesh.

Lord, it's amazing I write at all. But the scenes the come off a Friends episode, those I can write like the wind. I love those.

Having an argument though? Black moments? No thank you!

Hellie Sinclair said...

The shoals of Writer's Despair are awful, Sin...but you can crawl back on land and find a new ship... You just need to feel the wind on your face rather than feel like you've been marooned out on an island with no food or water. And no Ranger.

Sin said...

The ultimate horror of all horrors! An island with no Ranger! Woe is me!

And I will send you what I've written lately Hellion. PM L read it last night.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Yeah! I can't wait to read it!

*package arrives from Boatswain Terri; Hellion squeals and rips into box with unseemly haste*

O. M. G! I have my very own "I love Jack" backpack with Jack's picture!!!! OMG!!! And a Poets & Pirates CD--a Theme! I have a Theme! And Devil May Cry! I was skipping around with that... and Dr. Barrow asked if it was an important day. Nope, I said, just because I love pirates...isn't Terri sweet?

I also have caution tape...Enter if you dare...I should put that around my bed. Or me. Oh... I mean...

And the card made me cry! Terri! Okay, well the card didn't make me cry...the card was funny. What Terri WROTE on the inside made me cry. At least this week I'm hale enough not to sob uncontrollably under my desk at the sweetness.

Terri Osburn said...

I have been lurking in here all day but no time to comment. I have GADS of work! OMG! This new job is going to be fun once I figure it out.

I'm so glad you got it!!! Whoohoo!!! I saw that back pack months ago and just had to get. HAD TO! Did you see the signature in the book? What does it say?! I never could figure it out. LMAO!!

And you have to listen to cuts 6 and 7 on that CD. I think of you everytime I hear them. LOL! Cut 6 mentions rum and cut 7 says "all my friends are pirates". LOL! Those are soooooo you!

Nope, no special day. That's just how I roll. ROFLMAO!! I just wanted a reason to say that...

Back to work! I'm procrastinating!!!

Hellie Sinclair said...

I cannot figure out what the hell it says! *LOL* Lordamighty, she makes my DGS's signature look legible. But I don't care...I know what I'm reading at lunch! Wooooot!

Oh, yeah, you know what I'm packing on the next plane ride!

Terri Osburn said...

And it's on wheels! Don't forget to tell them it has wheels! And a retractable handle. LOL! Everyone should get to take Jack on the plane as a carry on. LOL!

And I bought that police tape to put on your office door for Halloween, silly. I couldn't NOT send you something Halloweeny.

Tiffany Clare said...

I procrastinate... just because :D

I have a mind that wonders... so I am easily sidetracked.