Cat O Nine Tip of the Day: Good Lord Deliver Us!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Halloween is upon us; therefore, we must be more careful of things that go bump in the night. When I'm not pursuing my freedom upon the seas, I can be found at home in Scotland, snugged up to a brawn Highlander, finding out what he wears beneath his kilt. Leave it to that bonnie nation to make a clever quote, part Halloween, part prayer--and upon which this blog is focused today:

From ghoulies and ghosties and long leggety beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!
~Scottish saying

But I'm never satisfied with just one version of this quotation, much like Andrew Jackson was never satisfied with just one way to spell a word. So I've come up with these alternate version. What do you think?

To charmers and pirates and long leggety libertines and handsome rogues that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!

~Wench saying

From hunters and enemies and long leggety Krakens and things that go bump in the sea, Good Lord, deliver us!

~Pirate saying

To rum stores and lost booties and long leggety wenches and beds where we might bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!

~Naughty pirate saying

From writer’s block and plot holes and irate, yelling editors and the slush pile from whence there is no hope of being published, Good Lord, deliver us!

~writer’s saying

I have a Halloween Treat (Pirate Loot) to send one of our guests who puts their own personal spin on that beloved Scottish saying.


Sin said...

I love it when we loot pirate ships and you go sharing with the land lubbers. I will play though I cannot win. (I really love the naughty pirate saying.)

From dark alleys and moonless nights and seductive vampires and those who are prey, there is never any sleep to be found in the night. Dear heaven above, deliver us!

Terri Osburn said...

From softball games and PTA's and horney little boys who will soon be chasing my daughter, dear heaven above, deliver Me!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Sin, how did I know you'd spin this to Vampires! You know this blog would be perfect if we were Vampire Pirates who wrote...

Terr, I almost wish you could win a prize, simply because...

Lisa said...

From diets and long work weeks and stupid co workers and erectile dysfunction that keep things from going bump in the night, Good Lord deliver us...

Tiffany Clare said...

You want me to try that? LOL! Have you seen my rhyme's? No seriously Have you READ my rhymes?

From werewolves to vampires and other beasties of the night, some are dangerous some seductive watch how they go bump in the night...

yeah see not so great... [rolls eyes at self]

Hellie Sinclair said...

But I don't know if you want to be delivered TO the werewolves or FROM them? *LOL* It doesn't have to rhyme. If I rhymed, it was unintentional. At least today.

Unknown said...

From agents and editors and bad judgment predators and things that say NO in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!

Elyssa Papa said...

From mother f**king snakes and mother f**king rakes and those planes, Samuel L. Jackson's work is never done. Dear heaven above, deliver SLJ.

From rakes and debutantes and meddling mothers, the Regency period will never die. Dear heaven above, deliver romance.

Dee S Knight and Anne Krist said...

From movers and packers and short-legged consultants who move me all over creation, from contracting companies and fast-playing recruiters (regardless of their leg-length), Lord, please preserve us. (Well, Lord, not the short-legged consultant if he's mostly bald and has an adorable round little face--no need to save me from him, thanks!)

Marnee Bailey said...

From fussing and fretting and long days of whining and my teething baby who won't sleep the night, Dear Lord, deliver me.


Happy Halloweenie Mateys. (is it mateys or maties? - someone help me...)

Terri Osburn said...

Maggie - you talk to editors in the night? Exactly how are you getting them to read your stuff?

Ely - that would snakes on this ship.

Dee - you poor thing. May your boxes be empty and your water pressure be strong.

Marnee - spell it any way you like, lovey. Mothers of teething babies always get a pass. LOL!

Dee S Knight and Anne Krist said...

**May your boxes be empty and your water pressure be strong.**

Bless you m'ilady! The pressure, she is good.

Tiffany Clare said...

dee, tell me you meant that to be utterly perverted... cause I got box to mean something and pumps to mean the other filling...oh nevermind

Marnee Bailey said...

Terrio - do I get a pass on all spelling? Shuks, u r sew cind 2 mee.

I was going to mention earlier though that I feel your pain about having a daughter. I only have a boy yet, but my father always said that when you have a boy, you only have one libido to worry about; when you have a girl, you have all the males in a reasonable distance's libidos to worry about. (I paraphrased - his version mentioned male anatomy parts).

Terri Osburn said...

Is that supposed to make me feel better?!?!

Hellie Sinclair said...

*ROTFLMAO* Too funny, Marnee!

Dee S Knight and Anne Krist said...

Tiffinac, I was Terrio. SHE said she wanted my box to be empty, not me. And as for pumping, well, when the pressure is good, it's GOOD. What else can I say?

You have a dirty mind. I like it.

Terri Osburn said...
