Tramp-O-Vision And Fingers That Move Like The Wind

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I really didn’t think Slut-O-Ween was an appropriate title for the blog, but hell, I am a wench. I guess it would’ve been forgiven.

Hellion brought up the great topic to me yesterday at how once you get a certain age, Halloween becomes a slut holiday. Costumes become sexier every year, the hemlines go up inches at a time, necklines plunge, inhibitions become wanton. It’s a day of total slutdom that I embrace wholeheartedly.

While there is nothing wrong with Halloween sticking to it’s roots (those roots being the traditional white sheet ghosts, warted witches, rotten teeth demons, Freddy, and my favorite, the evil Dracula) the holiday has branched out and reached out to a group that wouldn’t normally participate in Halloween. Give a twenty-something year old a reason to go out like a real slut for a night and watch her eyes light up at the thought of playing someone else. All guys drool over a naughty nurse in a short white dress and white fishnets. Or a dirty cop, with a tear away blue dress and a badge. A bad pirate wench, who’s tattered blouse and skirt are like a siren’s call to the men leaning against the bar watching you walk in. What woman doesn’t want to be drooled over, even if it is for one night?

Which ultra slutty Halloween costume would you go for? Tell me a great Halloween costume story. You know you have one!

And in other news today, being other than the best holiday for vampire lovers, there is another month long celebration for pantsers. It’s called the NaNoWriMo (Or for those not familiar with this ritual of lack of sleep and drowning in coffee and suffering from finger muscle cramps, it’s the National Novel Writing Month celebration). It officially starts at midnight and runs until midnight on November 30.

Every year, writers from all around the world gather with their keyboards ready and write like crazy for 30 days. The great thing about NaNo is that it’s all about quantity and not quality. This exercise is to teach you that you’re capable of writing a novel. It’s all about getting the words, the support from fellow writers and testing your willpower to sit in one spot for hours at a time staring at a blinking cursor and white page. The goal for the month is 50,000 words. Bionic fingers, No-doze, writing by the seat of your pants are all a requirement for NaNo.

I should know. I participated last year with a broken wrist. And I made the goal because I’m completely full of random stuff that needs to be written. Too bad it was all written for my novel and not a word of it could be saved. This is the woe of a pantster, I tell ya. This year I’ve swore to myself I will try to write two short stories for a contest I’m entering in January.

Okay, so this year let’s play a game of NaNo. Let’s be dedicated to writing something and talk about it all month. This way we are accountable for our writing for at least a month out of the year. Because if you don’t learn anything else from NaNo is that sometimes a little accountability will go a long way.

Would you ever consider participating in the NaNo? And what are your writing goals this month?


Terri Osburn said...

I thought the Tramp part and the finger part went together. Man, THAT would be an interesting blog. LOL! But this one is so much better.

I'd love to get on the Tramp-O-Ween band wagon but I'm not a 20 something and my favorite slutty costume I found this year ( requires midriff revealing and alas I don't have the body for it.

I can't do NaNo. Too much other insanity in my life and this is one of those occassions I practice my *just say no* policy. I do have something I want to write for a submission deadline of Jan. 8. I won't be able to post snippets of that but I'd be happy to talk about my progress. Lord knows I need all the accountability I can get.

Marnee Bailey said...

Morning all.

Hmm... I never got into the trampy costumes. I'm more the silly type. Last year I was a nun (I was 8 months pregnant). The year before, I was a cow, in a giant cow costume, and I would naughtily ask people to pull my utters.

The year before I was a black-eyed P. I taped a cut out of the letter P on my shirt and blackened my left eye.

Can't remember other costumes right now.

And, funny you mention it, but I'm going to attempt to do nano. I'm breaking a rule right off the bat (ie, going in with an existing WIP) but I need a kick start to shut up my internal editor and get going. So, I have about 100 pages now, I'd like to get to 300 by months end.

It'll be rough cause DS's b-day is this month (ONE! How crazy!!) and Thanksgiving happens at my place with 15ish people.

But, my ultimate goal is to finish my first draft by end of year. No more pooty-cooting (to use a word of my mom's) around.

Terri Osburn said...

Is it just me or does "pooty-cooting" sound really naughty to anyone else? Marnee, those costumes sound so funny. I'm always amazed at the really quarky ones. I'm just not that creative.

I forgot to tell a costume story. One year a friend of mine dressed as Marvin the Martian. He was about 6 foot, wore red long johns and we cut the bottom out of a round clothes basket for the *skirt* or whatever that is Marvin wears. LOL! He had the helmet and the laser gun and it was a hoot!

Lisa said...

Being a nurse I tend to drift toward the naughty nurse costume. But the best costume I ever dressed in was a witches costume. Too bad my fake clay nose got warm and fell in the crab dip at the party (wart and all)...

My favorite guy of my friends son's tied a Idaho potato to his zipper and went as a dick-tator! LOL

My writing goal this month is to finish outlining my WIP.

Great blogging Babe:)

Sin said...

Good Morning Wenches!!

LMAO. I thought about writing them together but my brain wasn't fuctioning well enough to pull it off. Of course, if I'd written it, it would've gone instantly downhill from a classy blog to something only porn stars can love.

Ter, NaNo was difficult but I had a lot of fun. I think you should try it next year if your life settles a little bit. You learn a lot about yourself in a month. Mostly how much hair you can pull out of your head without going bald, or how many pots of coffee you can have before you have to get up and tinkle.

Marnee Jo! I love the black eyed P costume! I wanted to do a devil in a blue dress, but alas I couldn't find a blue dress that allowed my pirate wenchness to come out. What are you doing this year? What are you dressing the precious little one up as?

We can brave NaNo together MJ. Let insanity reign!

Sin said...

Lis, OMG. A dick-tator?! LMAO

Great goal for the month babe. I'll make sure you do it too. :)

Hellie Sinclair said...

Halloween Costumes: I like to be wenches or pirates...and the occasional mythic figure.

1.) Bar Wench Costume #2: I went to the trouble of making an Elizabethan corset (using timber strapping as the boning). My vanity didn't allow me to pick a waist size I'd actually had within the last decade, and I was Scarlet O'Hara'd into this outfit. Down the front of the corset was a wooden busk, which keeps the corset straight.

My ex-boyfriend upon seeing me in the outfit, looked at my breasts (which were cinched up to my chin) and asked, "Why do you have a block of wood between your breasts?"

My friend Pam smiled and said, "In case we get cold later. We can rub her breasts together and start a fire."

2.) The year I dressed as Eve. (After Bar Wench Costume #2, I was not allowed to make an outfit that cracked my ribs) so I made a dress and decorated it with rows of leaves. Think Flapper, but instead of fringe, leaves. I got a blonde Godiva wig, jacked the hair out to Jesus, and put on a pair of sandals. I can say with true sincerity, Blondes have more fun.

3.) Harry Potter. After being mistaken for the boy wizard by my own father (a Valentine day mystery), I decided I'd show him Harry Potter. I crocheted scarves, I made robes, I even made a robe for my friend to go as Hermione. We were a HIT!

4.) Little Red Riding Hood. Short, sassy, and plenty of "Do you want something from my basket, sir?" all day.

5.) Pirate. Last three years running, I've been some variation of a pirate. Big surprise. Today, I'm in a rib-cracking corset top with a half skirt, breeches and stockings, and a see through blouse. I have a pirate coin medallion, a pistol that makes noise, and a whip. I'm the belle of the ball, baby. Bonus, my posture rocks.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Writing goals. Does editing count? I really need to edit this damned book and get it done. Blast.

Tiffany Clare said...

I'm an idiot.. I already have no time, but I signed up for nano...

All my costumes are sexy so there is not dream costume for that.. I'd just live it the next year.

Ive done a peacock, in mini and corset...made a giant tail I knocked into every one with....medusa.. I won't share how little I wore... burlesque dancer.. I wore bloomers for the bottom part you could see my garters...:D and other things just as extravagant.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Considering your bar outfits, I can imagine your Halloween outfits were even briefer! *LOL* But it's Canadian! Isn't it cold to be running around in your altogether?

irisheyes said...

The funniest costume story I have has nothing to do with the costume but what was in it! DH and I went as Batman and Robin the year I had my DD. I was breastfeeding and my boobs were enormous (I'm only 5 feet tall, also, so they probably looked even bigger on me)! The party was about 3 weeks after my daughter was born. The DH was Batman and I was Robin with a pretty awesome home made costume, I might add. The DH and I walked into the party and one of the guys at the party walked up to us and his eyes popped out of his head. He yelled "Holy Hooters Batman!" and went to grab my chest (thinking they weren't real!). The DH stepped in front of me yelling "Hey, whaddya doin?!" I caught the guy staring at my chest all night and shaking his head. It was pretty funny! Lots of comments about my breast that night!

Marnee - those costumes are brilliant I think I'll steal one of your ideas next time I'm forced to venture out on Halloween! Being Irish Catholic, my favorite has to be the pregnant nun! What a hoot!

Good luck to all those going for NaNo!

Hellie Sinclair said...

*ROTFL* I love that you were almost groped. Lord, if you had shown up as Wonder Woman, your husband would have had to have cold-cocked him.

Though somehow I imagine you might not have made it out of the house dressed as Wonder Woman. Men get a little nutty when they see the woman in a bustier and a cape, wielding a lasso...they just lose their ever lovin' minds.

Terri Osburn said...

I was thinking the same thing, Irish. I'm surprised he didn't deck him by the end of the night.

Ah, Cap'n, always the voice of experience. LOL!

Hellie Sinclair said...

I've been to bars where Wonder Woman has arrived. Watching men react to her is hysterical.

The year I dressed as Eve, men were acting a bit wacky too. I got out of the car, shook my hair to fluff it, and this guy walking past with his girlfriend nearly snapped his head off staring at me. And a good stare, not a freak show stare...and then his girlfriend beaned him in the head...and they went away.

And I was just wearing leaves. Imagine the damage I could do with a lasso.

Terri Osburn said...

The image with the whip is enough to keep me up nights now. I don't want to think about the lasso.

Tiff - other than a corset, what exactly are you wearing today?

Tiffany Clare said...

a fish tail tight long (obviously) skirt, lace underlay for corset. elbow length satin cloves, fur stole, this on black...a venetian mask...picture will be posted on EJ board soon! curly hair..18th century makeup...oh...six inc heel boots

Terri Osburn said...

That sounds so fun. I feel like total under-achiever. LOL! Everyone is wearing a corset today besides me. And I'm the one that really needs one!

Sin said...

I haven't been a very good hostess today, have I? LOL

I'm not wearing a corset today either Ter. I'm pimpin' the turtleneck and horns. I'm Satan today. Which to some degree someone is going to say I'm Satan everyday, I just let my true self show to the outside world once a year. LOL

Terri Osburn said...

I don't even have horns. (Shut up, both of you.) I am my true self though. A soccer mom. Or softball really. I have the outfit on and everything. LOL!

Hellie Sinclair said...

I was trying to get my friend Pam to dress as Simi from the DarkHunter series. I kept feeding her Simi dialogue and telling her props she can use.

She didn't do it though.

Still, maybe I'll do it next year. What an easy costume that'd be! Trampy outfit, wings, and horns. I wouldn't have to make anything. I would have to find some wings.

Marnee Bailey said...

You guys are cracking me up with the SM references today. Lassos and whips, oh my!!

I am not anything this year. Just a tired out mom. I didn't have any Halloween costume this year as we didn't have any parties to go to and I'm a SAHM so I felt like the effort was wasted.

DS is a cowboy. He was supposed to be a bee. I had the costume, bought at the end of Sept. It fit then, but didn't on Friday when I tried it on him so I rushed out Monday and bought him a cowboy costume. It was all they had on such short notice that didn't cost more than a plane ride to Transylvania. He looks cute though.

Sin and Tiff and any other Nanos - Be my Nano writing buddy?

Irish - your DH's protection of your hooters is hilarious! I'm still BF-ing and I totally relate to the giant knockers. And I personally thought the pregnant nun was inspired.

Hellion - I loved the starting a fire with your breasts. LMAO!!!

Hellie Sinclair said...

okay I'm signed in at NaNo. I have yet to figure out how to add buddies. Terri found me though...Terri's good at that.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Okay, on a normal day in normal clothes, I must pee 6 times a day.

I've had this outfit on all day--and I've peed once. I will be going again, so that will be twice, but still...I cut down my urine distribution by over half.

Terri Osburn said...

Thanks for the bladder update. I'm sure I'll sleep better.

I'm not on NaNo so how could I have found you?

irisheyes said...

That's the one thing I remember about trick or treating when I was a kid. As soon as the costume went on, I had to pee!!! Maybe I'll borrow your outfit and wear it to bed at night, Hellion. I could use a little bladder restraint! I know TMI!

(Just sitting here with the dogs handing out candy while the DH calls me from his cell phone updating me on the kiddies progress!)

irisheyes said...

Okay I'm considering re-thinking my whole stand on trick or treating. I just got another call from the DH - he's hanging out at the end of a block with some neighbors about a half mile away having hot chocolate and Bailey's while watching the kids go up and down the block! Sheesh how does he do that! Every thing I give him to do as a chore he turns into fun!

Terri Osburn said...

I'm just now headed out, Irish. Wonder if I can find as much fun as your DH. LOL!

Wish me luck. If no Bailey's then at I should get some really good chocolate!

Tiffany Clare said...

I can't figure out how to find buddies, and I'm over there...sheesh.

Marnee Bailey said...

I think they disabled their author search feature while everyone's signing on.

I befriended India because her link to her profile is on her website so I could add her.

If you guys go to my link, you can add me as a buddy. And if you post your link, we can add that way so we can all share in the insanity.

(oh and I need some accountability).

Sin said...

Here is me over on NaNo.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to buddy up to me :) I'm going for the gold again!

PS. Marnee, I found you. Hellion, I have you down from last year, but I don't show up on yours. WTF.

Marnee Bailey said...

Tiff, I tried to track you down, but I can't find you yet. :(

Terri Osburn said...

I just hopped onto that site to see what y'all are talking about and it's crazy! I'd rather drive in traffic than try figuring all that out.

Sheesh! More power to you.