The Art of Flow

Thursday, October 11, 2007

When the work is flowing, it will feel like a river coursing, a wind blowing, a door opening – with the creator herself having become only a conduit, a tube, a funnel, a hinge. Even if it bears the marks of her own personality, her own time-bound existence on the planet the world’s impetus comes from a mysterious source outside the self.
~Erica Jong~

I can move through life for weeks without one inspiration, then at the very last moment I expect it my muse strikes like lightening. I’m sure you all have experienced the same phenomenon. You’re sitting in a restaurant with your family and unexpectedly, you see a flash of the perfect solution to the scene you have been wrestling in your mind for weeks.

My ultimate high is sitting in front of my computer after a revelation, typing as fast as my fingers can move, as the words flow from my mind to the page. That moment is when it all comes together, when every word that I type seems better than the last.

It’s like magic.

Trying to explain to a non-writer what it is like to create the perfect scene is difficult. It’s why we need to share our experiences in support of our craft.

Athletes get high on physical performance. Pirates get high on the pillage of hidden treasure.*g* Politicians get high on the campaign and the smooze, but writers get high on the articulation of words.

In the operating room when my entire day has been as proficient as clock work the satisfaction is about a job well done, but putting the finishing touch on a story that I have created is so much more. Writing is something that I do solely on my own. I don’t depend on anyone for the equipment to do the job but me.

This brings me back to the subject of my fickle muse.

My muse and I can be either best buds or mortal enemies, but when she really comes through for me, she gives me the best gift of all.

The right words to get the story told.

When your muse checks in after a long dry spell, do you feel the same high?


Sin said...

Wowza, this is a fabulous blog!

I get this. I understand this. I feel much like you. I move through life listlessly as my muse pretends she's a supermodel and makes out with her hordes of cabana boys. When my muse checks in, my fingers can't move fast enough. Otherwise, my bionic hand lies dormant, resting until the next time Ms. Coco comes out to play.

Terri Osburn said...

Great blog, PM Lisa.

I do believe my muse is tired of being ignored. I keep explaining to her there are not enough hours in the day for me to get all my other things done and sit down to give her my full attention. She's having none of it.

Last night I was excited to crawl into bed just after 10:30. This is early for me. Within minutes I was up, the light was on and I was jotting down notes for the opening of the book which I had just re-written in my head. I've known for a while the beginning needed help and I wasn't about to press my luck and chance forgetting all the great stuff the muse was ranting.

So, now I HAVE to make the time to actually type this into the story. *sigh* It's going to be one busy weekend.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Great blog, PM! And yes, I totally understand this! But usually my muse is only this cool when it's the beginning of the book, when she isn't bored by the details. Around Chapter 8, she ceases to care and it's a struggle to get to the end.

Some chapters/scenes when I see them so clearly, that's obviously when my muse and I are in sync.

Hellie Sinclair said...

P.S. I really enjoyed how you worked in pirates and pillaging! Great work!

Sin said...

Hm, I found myself rethinking a few things this morning on my way to work. Everything that I thought I had in order just really came together and made sense. Like real sense. Not this thrown together stuff I like to do. LOL

Now the only problem is reworking everything to make it work. I might go back to the original thought of starting out in MO instead of in the FBI. Lots of things to think about this weekend and a muse to make happy. O Happy Day.

Lisa said...

Thanks for all the positive comments! Although I wrestle with my muse, she seems to be home for the present time.

Terrio and Sin good luck this weekend with writing. It sounds like you are both on target:)

Hellion I agree. I can come on like gang busters in the beginning of a story but peter out when it comes to filler chapters. I love writing the climatic chapter and the end... I have them written in my head, it just seems the filler in between is what bores me to no end.

Tiffany Clare said...

Nicely written blog...

Totally get all this. We've all been there, us writers.

The thing that drives me most nuts, is when the muse has disappeared completely for a while. I'm grumpy when I'm not writing, for various reasons, I'm beyond bitchy when the muse has left me and I can't even attempt to write.

what I love is when my muse is on a roll and I churn out half a book in a month :D *g*

Sin said...


You are such a brat. A month in a half? *sigh* Ooh to have your fingers and time.

I totally get the grumpy thing. I'm a bitch enough of the time when I am writing, let alone get me in a month when I haven't written a word... watch out world! Bitch rampage.

Hellie Sinclair said...

You'd write more if you didn't have to hang out with me so much, Sin. *LOL*

Lissa--I'm with you. When I wrote Lucy's story--the first four chapters were great, fun--then the next 10 sucked--then when she died and it got to be the parts from the Black Moment on--those flowed like water. It was crazy. I must have re-written the middle 10 chapters a 100 times--and they still suck. *LOL* (The story needs to be redone...but whatever.)

Sin said...

Blah. I wanted to hang out with you this weekend but someone just HAS to go to STL. LOL

I'm just razzing you. I adore you. I love hanging out with you. Because when we watch football I'm no longer the one asking the questions! Woohoo! And besides, you're hilarious comments are enough to make me follow you around like the lost puppy I am.

Hellie Sinclair said...

You mean my hilarious comments like, "Does Bret Favre play for the Chiefs?" God, it was a wonder Mattycakes didn't ask me if I'd picked up a case of stupid while I was at Walmart with you. *LOL*

Oh, well, never professed to be a football fan. I thought I was being good not to chat while the game was on.

You know I'd hang out with you this weekend too! Can I help it I'm popular? *LOL*

Sin said...

A case of stupid? I didn't know Walmart sold those but I should've known. If you want, I can pick you up one this weekend. LMAO

I'm sure I'll see you next weekend. After all you do need a place to hide away from watching Polka dancing.

Lisa said...

I wish I lived closer to you Sin! I envy Hellion since she lives so close, you are such a hoot to hang with:) Hope you all have a great weekend. *hugs*

Terri Osburn said...

Geez. You guys are alike some mutual admiration society. LOL! OK, we get it, y'all like each other.

I'm not surprised they sell stupid at Wally World. They sell everything else.